
Institute of Hospitality Professional Career Qualifications

Developed and offered in partnership with the renowned Institute of Hospitality these are a unique set of qualifications expressly for managers and aspiring managers working in the hospitality and tourism sector, both in the UK and Internationally.

The qualifications have been designed in consultation with industry practitioners and education specialists and are offered on a flexible unit basis, building up into fully accredited qualifications. The qualifications encourage Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and promote lifelong learning.

Concentrating on developing you in the context of the industry you will learn the essentials of management. From business planning to your own professional development, understanding in consumer management business marketing and sales and so much more, this is your opportunity to boost comprehension and capability.

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CTH (IoH) Level 3 Diploma in Hospitality Management

This is an ideal introduction to the knowledge and understanding which you need to operate in a first line management role.

Syllabus Overview

CTH (IoH) Level 3 Diploma in Hospitality Management (QAN: 603/6725/8)

Candidates must achieve all 7 units, providing 42 Credits, all at level 3.
Credit Value (CV): 42
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for Qualification: 154 Total Qualification Time (TQT) for Qualification: 420
Unit Code Unit Title L CV GLH Assessment Method
IOH3BMH Business Management in Hospitality 3 6 22 An individual online test for each of the 7 units. Plus, a single overall synoptic written examination covering all unit learning outcomes.
IOH3MSS Merchandising & Supervising Sales 3 6 22
IOH3DCF Developing a Customer Focused Organisation 3 6 22
IOH3BFC Managing Finance and Business Performance in Hospitality 3 6 22
IOH3MTP Budgeting, Forecasting and Cash Flow 3 6 22
IOH3LHO Legislation & Regulations Affecting Hospitality Operations 3 6 22
IOH3PDR Personal Development and Research Skills 3 6 22
Diploma Total (7 units) 42 154

For further information click on the following links:

CTH (IoH) Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Hospitality Management

This next step programme takes your learning up a level, consolidating the learning at level 3 and providing you with the stretch needed to progress to a more senior managerial role.

Syllabus Overview

CTH (IoH) Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Hospitality Management (QAN: 603/6752/0)

Candidates must achieve all 7 units, providing 56 credits, all at Level 4.
Credit Value (CV): 56
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for Qualification: 280 Total Qualification Time (TQT) for Qualification: 560
Unit Code Unit Title L CV GLH Assessment Method
IOH4SBM Strategic Business Management in Hospitality 4 8 40 An individual online test for each of the 7 units. Plus, a single overall synoptic assignment following successful completion of all 7 units, and covering learning outcomes and assessment criteria across all units.
IOH4SMC Services Marketing and Communication for Hospitality 4 8 40
IOH4MCF Managing a Customer Focused Organisation in Hospitality 4 8 40
IOH4FPB Managing Finance and Business Performance in Hospitality 4 8 40
IOH4LHR Leadership & HR Management in Hospitality 4 8 40
IOH4MBL Managing Changes to Business & HR Legislation in Hospitality 4 8 40
IOH4PDP Professional Development and Project Management for Hospitality 4 8 40
Diploma Total (7 units) 56 280

For further information click on the following links:

About the Institute of Hospitality

Whilst CTH is the dedicated qualifications body for the hospitality industry its sister institution, the Institute of Hospitality (IoH), is the professional membership body for the sector.

Established in Britain in 1938, the Institute of Hospitality is now an international membership organisation with numerous branches worldwide and members in over 100 countries. The Institute's members are located in all sectors of the industry from hotels and food service to leisure, tourism and academia.

Its members include some of the most experienced and senior managers in the hospitality industry. It is therefore perfectly placed to partner with CTH in developing gold standard qualifications for the sector. CTH and IoH work closely at all levels to ensure the relevance of CTH/IoH qualifications to industry needs and employment opportunities.

As a registered charity with a global membership, the Institute offers a wide range of benefits to its professional members including online resources, regional networks and industry-specific management publications and research. Furthermore, through membership, individuals can attain additional globally-recognised designatory letters signifying their qualifications and level of industry expertise.

The Institute exists to benefit its members in their professional and career development, whilst continuing to improve and promote industry and management standards into the 21st century. Its stated primary purpose is “to promote the highest professional standards of management and education in the international hospitality, leisure and tourism industries”. From students to retired Fellows, the Institute continues to support members' professional development throughout their careers, wherever they are in the world.

On completion of their CTH programme all CTH hospitality and culinary graduates are encouraged to apply to join the Institute as the logical next step in their career development.